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Shadows of the Heartland


Shadows of the Heartland - Synopsis

Three kings, one throne and a civil war that will rip the country apart....

Focusing on an overlooked period of English history, this historical fiction follows the kings who transformed the kingdom of Mercia in the mid-8th century...

King AEthelbald has ruled the kingdom of Mercia for forty years and is intent in uniting the whole of Britain under one rule. But his power is waning and there

is discontent among his council of nobles at the stability of Mercias future. A conspirator, Torthred, plots against Beornraed, a popular and loyal servant of

King AEthelbald. Though a dangerous figure, Beornraed is plagued by fearful recurring dreams in which a masked killer stalks him. This instability results in

him being exiled by the king, but Beornraed knows Torthred is to blame and seeks revenge upon him and his fellow conspirators. One of the nobles to escape

Beornraed's murderous intentions is Offa, cousin to AEthelbald, and the likely heir to the Mercian throne. He takes refuge in the fenlands and gathers a small

band of faithful men about him as he prepares to claim the crown by unleashing a weapon of fear; the masked figure Beornraed sees in his darkest, most fearful

dreams. The outcome of this war will affect not just Mercias future, but also that of all of Britain. A gripping historical novel with a dark edge, Ross Daniel

Baker's retelling of this story will draw you into the fear and uncertainty experienced by the people living in those chaotic and unsettling times.


© Ross Daniel Baker, 2011

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