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Light Upon The Black Rose

Beneath dreamy clouds and crepuscular rays
Cast amongst a sea of wild flowers in full bloom,
The black rose remains sullen and cast aside
As if set in stone, bound to a state of gloom.
Descending from the sky where the stars are born
Upon wings of natural grace - swift and pure,
A skylark hovers beside the morose plant
Brightening the site with its blessed allure.
Where feathers and petals meet, a bond is formed
Intertwined like the melody of a song,
One that rings with a vision of harmony
Where elegance and tranquillity belong.
Once lost in a myriad of vibrant hues
The black rose is empowered to inspire,
With its mysterious shade casting new light,
 It may dream as you and I may aspire.

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© Ross Daniel Baker, 2011

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