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  1. The Book is about a Young man, Mythrian, who's body is covered in "tattoos" He is brought up as an "apprentice" and tutored in the ways of magic and to be the defender of good. The book is about Good Vs Evil, Good having prevailed in the last "great battle" but Evil is coming back and winning!
    Legend has it that one special person will be able to help the balance, and Mythrian appears to be that person.

    I felt that the book had a bit of a slow start as the scene setting was a very similar to Lord of the Rings, which as a classic, made it a very hard start for a new author. It did though, very soon afterwards, start to get interesting, as it was disclosed the special powers that Mythrian possessed. I did like the way nature was heavily involved in the book as it gave it a bit of a twist that I have not seen before, and how Mythrian "linked" with nature to start to unleash his potential powers.

    I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a good, Good Vs Evil tale that you can pick up at any time. I look forward to reading the next book in the series as I envisage it should be all action from the start as the scene has already been set in this first book.

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  2. I have personnaly met Ross and got the signed copy and I loved it and devoured it in about 3 days. I cant wait for book 2 to come out.

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  3. A fantastic read from start to finish. I was hooked. I could not put it down.

    Keep up the good work and bring on the next book.

    Posted on


© Ross Daniel Baker, 2011

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